Power BI Sales Dashboard
for Microsoft Dynamics

Gain instant insights with BI4Dynamics. Experience the power of 150 dashboards fueled by the know-how of 1000 implementations.

Monthly Sales, Inventory, and Receivables Dashboard

Unlock your Dynamics data!

  • Analyze sales and profit (Gross / Net Sales, Costs, Discounts, Profits, Invoiced Quantities, Charges, Average Sales/Cost/Profit) with receivables, inventory, etc.

  • With strongly supported time intelligence (YTD, YoY, PoP, 12 Last months, Rolling 3/6/12) and Expected values.

  • Drastically reduce the time and money spent on creating & maintaining reports.

  • Report on your Dynamics fields, KPIs and drill down into the document level. 
  • Enjoy lightning-fast reporting with over 150 out-of-the-box Power BI reports developed by business leaders.

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