How To Choose The Right Business Intelligence Tool

How To Choose The Right Business Intelligence Tool

How To Choose The Right Business Intelligence Tool

What we need to consider when deciding on the type of analytics project to start within a business is to look at the factors that affect the scope of the project.

These could be as simple as the available budget or resources that we have to devote to the project, though other factors that may impact. These could include such things as the type of analysis that is required, where the data is coming from, how much data we have to analyze, and the complexity of the questions that need to be answered.

At BI4Dynamics, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible solutions for their data analysis, while at the same time, providing them with a solution that allows for the effective and efficient interrogation of all of their Dynamics ERP data, no matter what the size of their project.

Let’s consider the following tables for business intelligence solutions matched to three different budget sizes. Each type of project would have different levels of requirements.

Scenario 1 – Small Budget ~ $5k

Dynamics customers characteristicsTime, budget and internal resources are significant constraints.
The customer is not very demanding – good enough is good enough.
Power BIRecommended
For non-demanding customers.Fast delivery.Simple to manage.If many changes are required project can become expensive.
Data WarehouseNot recommended
Many DW features may not be needed.Not flexible.Too expensive.
DWA tools – BI4DynamicsRecommended
Good for more demanding customers who get all requirements covered with the out-of-the-box solution with minor modifications.
Subscription to split the cost over multiple years.

Scenario 2 – Medium Budget up to $25k

Dynamics customers characteristicsThe most demanding market that requires corporate features for SMB price.
IT resources may have SQL knowledge but no BI experience.
Power BIRecommended (conditionally)
If Power BI solution has a better template or connector for Microsoft Dynamics than DW.
Data WarehouseRecommended (conditionally)
If some scenario requires DW and can’t be delivered by Power BI.
If DW solution has a better template or connector for Microsoft Dynamics than Power BI.
DWA tools – BI4DynamicsRecommended
A great connector that covers all Microsoft Dynamics specifics.
Simple process (does not requires SQL knowledge) to extend features and create new BI functionality.

Scenario 3 – Large Budget over $25k

Dynamics customers characteristicsMany specifics requests.
Complex environment.
Large data.
Dedicated resources.
Power BINot Recommended
Can’t scale and manage big tables fast enough.Not transparent model with many entities.
Data WarehouseRecommended (conditionally)
SQL technology can do (almost) anything.
Processing performance.
Managing complex models.
DWA tools – BI4DynamicsRecommended
Everything listed up (Dynamics features, flexible) + corp. features (ACY, fin. reporting, global dim).
Scalable to load large tables in X TB projects.
SQL based, 100% open.


In all three of these scenarios, a Data Warehouse Automation tool such as BI4Dynamics would provide customers with the flexibility to perform most of their requirements as standard out of the box functionality. This would ensure that even with the most complex of requirements that the business intelligence solution would be cost-effective and meet all of the user community needs.

We currently offer a full functionality 30 day trial with no limitations, and our consultants are on hand to assist you with setting up the solution across your data and even to do data walkthroughs with you. This means that you have no risk when you try our solution.

To help you choose BI tool which is the best for your needs, we prepared a PDF file.

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