Ready-Made Business Intelligence
for Microsoft Dynamics BC & NAV

Get Your BI in Just Hours (Data Warehouse Based)

in a Few Hours

Proven out-of-the-box insights
across all Dynamics areas

Drag and Drop
Pre-made Reports

Fully customizable 150+ Ready-to-use Power BI reports with 2000+ KPIs


Add any field from Dynamics
with a click of a mouse

Ready to give you meaningful results in a couple of clicks

The very next day after the installation of BI4Dynamics you will have access to 1507 BI Fields (KPIs) that can be easily accessible using predefined Power BI or Excel dashboards. BI4Dynamics is an outstanding Business Intelligence software!

Any source supported by Power BI Desktop

The only solution you need to transform Microsoft Dynamics data into clear insights

Explore 150+ Power BI dashboards in our interactive live demo

Based on 1000+ BI Projects for MS Dynamics

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Empower Your Team with Self-Service BI

Self-Service BI: Effortless Changes Without Programming Skills

Empower everyone in your organization to make BI changes with minimal training. Our wizard-driven customizations guide you through a seamless five-step process, bringing your BI vision to life.

Powered by Metadata: We Know Every Detail of Your Dynamics

BI4Dynamics connects to Microsoft Dynamics, utilizing detailed AOT/Object Metadata including tables, columns, table relations, and enums, ensuring precise and adaptable BI customizations.

Support of local and corporate currency in the same application

It caters to the needs of global businesses, providing the ability to consolidate data across all legal entities and financial dimensions available in Dynamics. Whether it’s calendar date or fiscal date, BI4Dynamics has got you covered.

Bring Any Dynamics Field Faster Than Ever Without Coding

Customize and integrate external data sources in just a few clicks, simplifying complex tasks and focusing on valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Seamless Integration with Power BI

Combine the flexibility of Power BI with the scalability of SQL, tailored to your specific needs.

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